Just to let you know everything left at school is clarified as garbage. Any child who left anything
at school will have a difficulty in finding their stuff it will be difficult to answer questions about remaining stuff since we must get rid of everything and move. Today is the last day we are packing and we have personel hired to empty the rooms for renovation.
Enjoy holidays
Kindest Regards
måndag 12 juni 2017
fredag 9 juni 2017
onsdag 31 maj 2017
måndag 29 maj 2017
Week 22/23
School Sessions are coming to a gradual closure. The activities below will occupy the coming weeks. It is basically cleaning up moments and taking home what is unrequired at school for the coming weeks.
Today is Open Day ( Öppet Klassrum) between 16:00-17:30 for grade sixes. You can drop in from 16:00 to have a session with your child in the classroom.
Viktiga dagar:
Mån 29/5 Öppet klassrum, 16:00-17:30, drop in.
Ons 31/5 Gammaldags
skoldag, Vi klär ut och har skoldag som
om det vore tidigt 1900-tal, ingen matsäck
Mån 5/6 LOV
Ons 7/6 Sexornas årliga fotbollsmatch och avslutningslunch
Fre 9/6 Skolavslutning
på gården 10:00, sexorna samlas 09:40 för uttåg.
Trevlig vecka önskar Patrik, Agnes, Jacqueline och Ulla
onsdag 10 maj 2017
Musical at Rödabergsskolan
On Monday and Tuesday evenings next week (15th & 16th May) Rödabergsskolan's performing arts student choice group - consisting of many ex-Johannes students - are performing a revised version of the musical 'Wicked' in our school 'light hall'. For a normal fee of 10kr (which will go towards an after show party) they would like to welcome as many of Johannes' students and parents as would like to come. The show starts at 7pm and is just over an hour in length.
Many thanks,
Chris Stayne
söndag 30 april 2017
fredag 7 april 2017
tisdag 4 april 2017
torsdag 9 mars 2017
Trip to Romme
fredag är det äntligen dags för oss att åka till Romme Alpin! Det är hela 62
elever som ska följa med, så vi åker med fullsatt buss, vilket känns jättekul!
Nedan följer lite information:
Med vänliga hälsningar
Emma Karlsson
Lärare idrott och hälsa
Johannes skola
Samling: Vi samlas kl. 5.45 ute på Roslagsgatan. Bussen avgår kl. 6.15 och
det är därför viktigt att alla är på plats i tid för att packa in sig i bussen.
Medtag: Kläder för en dag i backarna – klä er gärna i lager på lager. För
er som tar med sig egen utrusning är det viktigt att komma ihåg hjälm - hjälm
är obligatorisk. Vi rekommenderar er att ta med skidgoogles, då det inte ingår
i uthyrningspaketet. Ta med matsäck för dit- och hemvägen då det är en lång dag
med mycket aktivitet. Det är samma regler som vanligt vad gäller vilken typ av
matsäck man får ta med sig, d.v.s. inget godis.
Skidskola: För de elever som har anmält intresse för att gå i skidskola
kommer denna att ta plats kl. 10.30-11.30.
Lunch: Eleverna kommer att få lunchkuponger under bussresan upp.
Kupongen är en värdehandling som de byter in mot lunch. Det är därför väldigt
viktigt att de är försiktiga med kupongen. Eleverna får inte ha med sig
några kontanter, det är lunchkupong och matsäck hemifrån som gäller.
Skidpass: Eleverna kommer att få sitt skidpass under bussresan upp. Kortet
förvaras i en ficka på vänstra sidan i jackan.
Mobiltelefon: Eleverna får ta med sig sin mobiltelefon under dagen då vi kan
behöva ha kontakt med varandra. Men telefonen får inte användas för att surfa
fritt, utan för att hålla kontakten med oss lärare.
Hemresa: Hemresan sker från Romme 16.15. Vi beräknas vara tillbaka vid skolan
ca. kl. 19.00.
Förvaring: Det bästa är att förvara skor, skidfodral och värdesaker i bussen
då den är låst under dagen. Det finns även väskförvaring inomhus, men den är
Sjukdom: Om man är sjuk på fredag vill vi att ni kontaktar Emma direkt på
morgonen på 076-124 45 07. I efterhand får ni tillbaka hela beloppet som ni har
betalat, minus 100 kronor som Romme behåller för administrativa avgifter.
Kontakt: Vi är tre lärare som kommer att ha mobiltelefon med oss under
dagen. Ni kan nå oss på:
Emma: 076-124 45 07
Emma: 076-124 45 07
076-124 45 19
076-124 45 30
frågor innan avfärd är ni välkomna att maila mig på emma.t.karlsson@stockholm.se
om Romme Alpin och dess pister går att hitta på www.rommealpin.se
Med vänliga hälsningar
Emma Karlsson
Lärare idrott och hälsa
Johannes skola
onsdag 8 mars 2017
tisdag 21 februari 2017
måndag 20 februari 2017
Registration and Booking ( Romme)
7 children in 6b have not been registered and booked to Romme. As far as I remember nearly
the whole class expressed wishes to be on the trip. Please make sure you register and book your children for the trip if they wish to be on the trip.
Kindest Regards
Jacqueline Zettergren
7 children in 6b have not been registered and booked to Romme. As far as I remember nearly
the whole class expressed wishes to be on the trip. Please make sure you register and book your children for the trip if they wish to be on the trip.
Kindest Regards
Jacqueline Zettergren
söndag 5 februari 2017
Revising for Exams Tips
- Keep your notes tidy and complete. If you miss a class, get the notes from a friend or ask your teacher what you missed.
- Organise your notes into different sections, e.g. vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, speaking, reading, listening, writing. This will make it easier to find the section you need to revise for the exam.
- Look through your notes regularly, not just the day before the exam.
- Use different coloured pens and highlighter pens to help you focus on the most important things you have to learn.
- Make summaries of your notes. Include the most important things in your summaries. Write short summaries on small cards that you can carry around with you and read them on the bus or when you have some free time.
- Make mind maps, visuals and diagrams.
- If you don’t understand something in your notes, ask a classmate or your teacher to explain it to you.
- Many students have lots of exams close together. It is useful to plan how much time you have to revise and make a revision timetable.
- What’s a revision timetable?
Work out how much time you have to study each subject and complete a table or grid with the subjects you are going to study and when you are going to study them. Try to stick to your revision timetable to make sure you have enough time to do everything. - Don’t leave your revision until the last minute. Try to revise for each exam more than once to help you learn things well. Our long term memories remember more if we look at things more than once so look at your notes regularly.
- Remember to take regular breaks while you study. Take a 15-minute break after every hour you study. This will help you concentrate during your study time.
Phones and Other Distractions
If you and your friends send each other messages every five minutes, you will find it very difficult to concentrate on what you are learning. So, switch off your phone and your favourite social network sites while you are studying! You can send messages to your friends during your breaks.
Brain Foods
It’s really important to eat properly while studying for exams. A healthy diet will give you lots of energy. Sugary snacks like sweets and chocolate may give you short-term energy, but it is better to eat foods that give you lots of energy over a longer period of time. Check out our list of brain foods and try to make sure your diet includes lots of these things during exam times.Super brain foods:
brown bread
beans, lentils and chickpeas
oily fish such as sardines, tuna or salmon
red meat
fresh fruit
Eat regular, healthy snacks while you’re studying as well as three good meals a day to keep your energy levels high.
Do plenty of physical exercise while you are studying for exams. Exercise helps oxygen move around your body and your brain needs lots of oxygen to work well. Go outside for a walk and get some fresh air, go for a swim or meet your friends for a game of football.
Do plenty of physical exercise while you are studying for exams. Exercise helps oxygen move around your body and your brain needs lots of oxygen to work well. Go outside for a walk and get some fresh air, go for a swim or meet your friends for a game of football.
Revise With a Friend
Talking through what you have learned with a friend can help you remember things. You can also test each other and explain things to each other when one of you doesn’t understand. It can be more fun revising with a friend.
Early Bird or Night Owl
It’s good to know when you learn better. Some people study better in the morning (early birds) and others in the afternoon or evening (night owls). Plan your study time when you feel at your best and feel wide awake!
It’s good to know when you learn better. Some people study better in the morning (early birds) and others in the afternoon or evening (night owls). Plan your study time when you feel at your best and feel wide awake!
The best food for the brain is sleep, so you’ll need a lot of sleep during exam times. When you’re tired you will find it difficult to concentrate and learn.
So, how much sleep do you need? Well, when you’ve had the right amount of sleep you don’t feel tired, not too much and not too little. Most teenagers need between 8 and 9 hours sleep a night.
Try and get good quality sleep. So, don’t sleep with your books all over your bed or with lights, music or the computer on. For the best sleep, make sure your room is quiet, comfortable and dark.
If you stay up late studying and don’t get enough sleep, you may need a ‘power nap’ in the afternoon. A short sleep of 30 minutes may give you some energy before you start revising, but keep it short – you don’t want to spend all afternoon in bed!
Tips to help you sleep
- Have a regular bed time. Try to go to bed at the same time every night, if possible 8 or 9 hours before you have to wake up.
- Do plenty of exercise. Don’t do exercise just before bedtime, but regular exercise earlier in the day can help your body sleep at night.
- Don’t drink caffeine (colas, tea or coffee) in the afternoons and evenings. Drink water, fruit juices or herbal teas.
- Have a milky drink just before bedtime.
- Relax before you go to bed. When you have finished studying, read a book, listen to music, watch TV or have a bath to help you relax.
- Turn off lights, your computer, mobile and any other electrical devices in your room.
- When you wake up, open the curtains to get lots of natural light in your room. This will help you feel more awake in the morning.
torsdag 2 februari 2017
På måndag (6/2) mellan klockan 8.30-9.00 är ditt barn välkommen förbi idrottshuset (ingång vid den lilla entredörren mot f-1 huset) för att prova skridskor till skridskoåkningen v. 7. Vi har ett 40-tal skridskor i storlekarna 28-41. Det är först till kvarn som gäller. Vi har även ett fåtal hjälmar.
Om denna tid inte fungerar kan ert barn försöka komma förbi på raster, det är dock inte säkert att vi idrottslärare är här då.
Med vänliga hälsningar
Emma Karlsson
Lärare idrott och hälsa
Johannes skola
French Teacher
Vi är väldigt glada över
att kunna meddela att vi nu har en ny lärare i franska för åk 6.
Han heter Jan Palmstierna
och kommer att börja hos oss på Johannes den 15 februari.
Med vänlig hälsning!
Skolledningen på Johannes skola
Skolledningen på Johannes skola
Ingrid Sahl
rektor/Vice Principal
54 Stockholm
08-508 445
076-12 445
söndag 22 januari 2017
söndag 15 januari 2017
Martin Luther King Day
Martin Luther King Day (link)
Martin Luther King History (link)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is famous for his courageous leadership in the
fight to end racial segregation in mid 20th century America. He
advocated civil disobedience, a nonviolent approach to defying the legal system
that upheld segregation.
Dr. King is also remembered for his powerful sermons and speeches. This
worksheet features a few examples of his words. The main source of these
quotations is brainyquote.com.
Match the quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. with the comment or
interpretation below. The first one has been matched for you.
The words of Martin Luther King, Jr.:
1. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot
drive out hate; only love can do that.”
2. “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
3. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a
nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the
content of their character. ”
4. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
5. “Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?”
6. “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and
conscientious stupidity.”
7. “Our lives begin to end the
day we become silent about things that matter.”
A. People should behave in a way that makes life
better for their fellow humans.
B. This was clearly Dr. King's belief as he dedicated his life to speaking
out against injustice.
C. In this analogy, darkness is to hate as light is to love.
D. Hating others hurts the hater.
E. Believing that one is right is no excuse for being in the wrong.
F. If you agree with this quote, you cannot feel completely safe when
others are treated unfairly.
G. Behavior, not skin color, tells us what we should think of a person.
fredag 13 januari 2017
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Important Dates
Week 4
24th and 25th January 2017
IDP talks ( Utvecklingssamtal) Arts Room
Saturday 28th, January 2017 9:30-12:00
Oppet hus Rödabergskolan
Week 5
3rdt February
Natural Sciences Test
Week 6
7th February
Swedish/ Swedish as a Second Language National Tests
(Part B1 and C1)
Swedish/ Swedish as a Second Language National Tests
(Part B2 and C2)
Parents Meeting (Time to be confirmed)
Week 7
16th February
13:00 Skating Östermalm IP
Swedish/ Swedish as a Second Language National Tests
(Part B1 and C1)
Swedish/ Swedish as a Second Language National Tests
(Part B2 and C2)
Important Dates
Week 4
24th and 25th January 2017
IDP talks ( Utvecklingssamtal) Arts Room
Saturday 28th, January 2017 9:30-12:00
Oppet hus Rödabergskolan
Week 5
3rdt February
Natural Sciences Test
Week 6
7th February
Swedish/ Swedish as a Second Language National Tests
(Part B1 and C1)
Swedish/ Swedish as a Second Language National Tests
(Part B2 and C2)
Parents Meeting (Time to be confirmed)
Week 7
16th February
13:00 Skating Östermalm IP
Swedish/ Swedish as a Second Language National Tests
(Part B1 and C1)
Swedish/ Swedish as a Second Language National Tests
(Part B2 and C2)
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