kilometer (km)
meter (m)
decimeter (dm)
centimeter (cm)
milimeter (mm)
1 mil =
10 km =
10 000 m =
100 000 dm =
1 000 000 cm =
10 000 000 mm
1 km =
1 000 m =
10 000 dm =
100 000 cm =
1 000 000 mm
1 m =
10 dm =
100 cm =
1 000 mm
1 dm =
10 cm =
100 mm
1 cm =
10 mm
Enheter för
liter (l)
deciliter (dl)
centiliter (cl)
mililiter (ml)
1 l =
10 dl =
100 cl =
1 000 ml
1 dl =
10 cl =
100 ml
1 cl =
10 ml
Enheter för
1 ton =
1 000 kg =
10 000 hg =
1 000 000 g
1 kg =
10 hg =
1 000 g
1 hg =
100 g
Goals for Mathematics Lgr 11
The Children will be issued with stencils for the test.
The Children should identify geometrical figures on page 80 and 94 and 95 on the 6a Matteborgen
Page must be done.
Page 78-81, 82-83
pg 126-131 + 143-144.
Through teaching, pupils should be given the preconditions to develop their familiarity with basic mathematical concepts and methods, and their usefulness. In addition, through teaching pupils should be given opportunities to develop knowledge in using digital technology to explore problems, make calculations and to present and interpret data.
Teaching should help pupils to develop their ability to argue logically and apply mathematical reasoning. Pupils should through teaching be given the opportunity to develop familiarity with mathematical forms of expression and how these can be used to communicate about mathematics in daily life and mathematical contexts.
Teaching should give pupils the opportunities to develop knowledge about historical contexts where important concepts and methods in mathematics have been developed. Through teaching, pupils should also be given opportunities to reflect over the importance of mathematics, its use and limitations in daily life, in other school subjects and in historical processes, and as a result be able to see the context and relevance of mathematics.
Teaching in mathematics should essentially give pupils the opportunities to develop their ability to:
• formulate and solve problems using mathematics and also assess selected strategies and methods,
• use and analyse mathematical concepts and their interrelationships,
• choose and use appropriate mathematical methods to perform calculations and solve routine tasks,
• apply and follow mathematical reasoning, and
• use mathematical forms of expression to discuss, reason and give an account of questions, calculations and conclusions.
• Basic geometrical objects such as polygons, circles, spheres, cones, cylinders, pyramids, cuboids and their relationships. Basic geometrical properties of these objects.
• Construction of geometrical objects. Scale and its use in everyday situations
. • Symmetry in everyday life, in arts and nature and how symmetry can be constructed.
• Methods for determining and estimating circumference and areas of different two-dimensional geometrical figures.
• Comparing, estimating and measuring length, area, volume, mass, time and angles using common units of measurement. Measurements using contemporary and older methods.
Probability and statistics
• Probability, chance and risk based on observations, experiments or statistical material from everyday situations. Comparisons of probability in different random trials.
• Simple combinatorial analysis in concrete situations
. • Tables and diagrams to describe the results of investigations. Interpretation of data in tables and diagrams.
• Measures of central tendency - average, mode and median and how they are used in statistical investigations.