måndag 29 maj 2017

Week 22/23

School Sessions are coming to a gradual closure. The activities below will occupy the coming weeks. It is basically cleaning up moments and taking home what is unrequired at school for the coming weeks.

 Today is Open Day ( Öppet Klassrum)  between 16:00-17:30 for grade sixes. You can drop in from 16:00 to have a session with your child in the classroom.

 Viktiga dagar:

Mån 29/5                    Öppet klassrum, 16:00-17:30, drop in.

Ons 31/5                     Gammaldags skoldag,  Vi klär ut och har skoldag som om det vore tidigt 1900-tal, ingen matsäck

Mån 5/6                      LOV

Tis 6/6                        HELGDAG

Ons 7/6                      Sexornas årliga fotbollsmatch och avslutningslunch

Fre 9/6                       Skolavslutning på gården 10:00, sexorna samlas 09:40 för uttåg.

 Trevlig vecka önskar Patrik, Agnes, Jacqueline och Ulla

onsdag 10 maj 2017

Musical at Rödabergsskolan

On Monday and Tuesday evenings next week (15th & 16th May) Rödabergsskolan's performing arts student choice group - consisting of many ex-Johannes students - are performing a revised version of the musical 'Wicked' in our school 'light hall'. For a normal fee of 10kr (which will go towards an after show party) they would like to welcome as many of Johannes' students and parents as would like to come. The show starts at 7pm and is just over an hour in length.

Many thanks,

Chris Stayne
