continues to be cold and slippery outside. Some children are sick. We now have
a nurse in school that is available 2 days a week. She will soon be full time
available at school.Mathematics.
The children have done the mathematics Test on Multiplication and Division. They will do another on Friday week 10. This will be on the topic Time( tid). The children are required as they are studying about time( tid )to show knowledge of the following.
- enheterna, år, månad, vecka, dygn, läsa och skriva datum
- avläsa klockan och skriva klockslag med siffror
- räknar med begreppen tidigare och senare, utifrån ett visst klockslag
- räkna ut skillnader i tid mellan två klockslag
- läsa av en tidtabell
År, skottår, månad, vecka, dygn, timme, minut, sekund, datum, tidsskillnad, tidtabell.
The children enjoy this topic very much.
Natural Sciences
The children are concentrating on construction of simple machines. Each child will be required to construct at least one simple Machine. We will also have a great topic on rörelse och konstruktion.
While we will be studying about friction, work, weight and acceleration we will also construct vehicles and make them able to move with weights or elasticity.
Skating Östermalms IP/Outdoor P.E
children will go for skating at Östermalms IP on Thursday the 12th,
February,2015 between 9:00-13:00. The
students must have with them skates, helmets, packed lunch+water. Next week the
children will also have outdoor gymn lessons. The children are required to have
appropriate clothes that will enable them to play outside in the snow.
EnglishThe children will do the same project work as they did with the Matilda book for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It will be group work. We have also done Comprehension, Grammar and Vocabulary. A spelling test was issued to the children. Next week we will get some words from the “detectives” from Matilda to learn how to spell.
The children have worksheet for homework. It is in their schoolbags. It is on the new topic of Mathematics tid. They should also do 4 pages of the English Work Sheet to be ready on Friday week 7.
The telephone number in the classroom is 08-508 44 541. The new telephone is very sophisticated Some parents have sent an sms through that telephone and I have received it on mail.
More information in the next Newsletter
Kindest Regards
Jacqueline Zettergren