tisdag 31 maj 2016

Important Dates

Week 22
Ist June 2016
.Tomtits Experiment (link)
Time: 10-14:
Normal school schedule.
 Packed lunch.
2nd June 
Party for grade sixes. 5 children assist.
3rd June
Football between teachers and grade sixes
Picnic after normal classes.
Time :  To be confirmed
Place ; To be confirmed.

Week 23
Monday 6th June
No school

Tuesday 7th June
between teachers and grade sixes

Wednesday 8th
All school books handed in

Thursday 9th

End of Term

9:45  brief meeting in the classroom

10:00-11 : Assembly at the school yard

Brief meeting in the classroom to say farewell.

18th August 2016
School opens.

Assembly at the school yard at 9:00

Thereafter  Normal classes to 13:30.

fredag 27 maj 2016

Week 21 and 22

The visit to Globen was a real treat. We are looking forward to  inspiration great and educational
inspirations from  Tomtits next week. The upcoming two weeks will be basically revision and packing to windup for the end of the term.

Please visit the class during Open Classroom at 15:30-17:30 on Monday the 30th.
Homework will be updated by Monday.

SO/SV: I måndags hade klassen prov i media och källkritik och igår, torsdag har vi haft genomgång av ett mycket tillfredsställande resultat.  Vidare har vi läst våra spännande deckare för varandra. Nästa veckas nyhetsbevakare är Alva, Cyanne och Maya.

Hälsningar från,

Agnes Halmin

fredag 20 maj 2016

Important Dates

24th May 2016
Visit to Globen. Assembly by the school gate at 7:45. Packed Lunch.
30th May
Öppet klassrum
Time: 15:30-17:30
Ist June 2016
.Tomtits Experiment (link)
Time: 10-14:
Normal school schedule.
 Packed lunch.
2nd June 
Party for grade sixes. 5 children assist.
3rd June
Picnic after normal classes.
Time :  To be confirmed
Place ; To be confirmed.

Tomtits Experiment

Tomtits Experiment

Week 21-22

The children have started to work with the water cycle. This  requires them to understand terminologies like evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration , accumulation, percolation etc. These terminologies have been explained, translated into Swedish and the water cycle shown visually in Swedish. Most of the children are doing Geometry, concentrating on measurement of angles and lines of symmetry. The children who are advancing  by working more deeply with decimals illustrated by more advanced number lines. They are also using the four basic arithmetical operations of adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying. The spelling test is postponed to next Friday,

Visit to Globen

On the 24th May 2016 the children will go the Globen to watch a show performed by the crew from Gladahudiks theatre. Packed lunch will be required.The children have been working with a theme Barn föds inte med fördomar and will have the final part of it in Globen.. We need to be in Globen before 9:00 on that day the children have to assemble by the gate at 7:45am. Please help the children to be in time on that morning.

På måndag har vi prov i samhällskunskap. Vi har i veckan fortsatt repeterat, diskuterat och förberett oss inför bedömningstillfället. Eleverna kan även förbereda sig hemma genom att berätta för er vuxna om följande nyckelord/begrepp: Massmedier, Reklam, Information, Nyheter, Sociala medier, Källa, Primär- och sekundärkälla, Källkritik, Trovärdig.

På svenskan har vi bland annat pratat om sammansatta ord och skrattat åt hur tokigt det kan bli med betydelsen vid särskrivning. Vi har också pratat om stavningsregler kring  j-ljudet och ä-ljudet.

Svenska: Läsläxa i läsutmaningen, minst 3 gånger 15 minuter (fyll i läsprotokoll)
Nästa veckas nyhetsbevakare är: Dustin, Anna-Brita och Kai (presenterar varsin nyhet på torsdagen)

Hälsningar från,

Agnes Halmin och Jacqueline Zettergren
Lärare år 5
Johannes skola

måndag 16 maj 2016

Change of Goals

We have decided to postone studying about addiction and sexuality till towards the end of the next academic year. We feel that it will be more beneficial and age appropriate then. We are studying the Water Cycle instead.

The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle (Click on the link for visual explanation)
If you haven't heard this before, it might sound a little disgusting, but it's true. The water that you drink today might be the same water that your little brother took a bath in last year. It might be the same water that people on the other side of the world used to wash their clothes or cook their vegetables one thousand years ago. It might even be the same water that a Tyrannosaurus rex drank to wash down a hearty meal millions of years ago!
 2     The water that we have on the Earth today is the same water that the Earth has always had, and the same water that it always will have. The Earth's water constantly recycles itself in a process that is called the water cycle.
 3     The water cycle has three main stages, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, which repeat over and over again endlessly. This process cycles water from the Earth, through the air, to the clouds, and back to Earth again.
Evaporation is when heat, usually from the sun, changes liquid water on the Earth to water vapor which rises up into the air. When the sun dries up a puddle of water, this is evaporation. You can also see evaporation in everyday events. When you put wet clothes into your clothes dryer and later take out dry clothes, evaporation has gotten rid of the water for you. When you paint a picture and let it sit to dry, evaporation dries the paint.
 5     Condensation is the part of the process that changes water vapor back into liquid water. As warm air rises, it meets cooler air in the atmosphere, which changes it back to water and forms a cloud. This is condensation. The water drops that collect on the outside of a glass of ice water or soda are also condensation. These water drops don't come from inside the glass, they condense from the air around the glass.
 6     Precipitation is rain, sleet, or snow. It is the part of the water cycle that brings our water back down to Earth. As a cloud fills up with water drops or ice crystals, it starts to get heavy. Sooner or later gravity takes over, and pulls the water back to Earth as rain or snow.
 7     After the rain falls to Earth, it may stay here for a long time. Some water stays underground among the rocks for thousands of years. Eventually, however, the water will end up someplace where it can be evaporated, often in the ocean, and then the water cycle repeats itself. Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, evaporation, condensation . . .

So, if we have as much water as we ever did, why are people trying to conserve water? The problem with water is keeping enough of it ready to use. The water cycle can take a long time. Much of the water that falls back to Earth ends up in the oceans, which of course are salt water, or in glaciers, which are frozen. Only a small part of the Earth's water is available for our use at any particular time. There are more and more people on Earth as time passes. And people are using more and more water all the time. So the challenge is to keep a supply of clean, fresh water available for people to use. Drinking water that a dinosaur once drank might seem a little strange, but having no water to drink - now, that would be really bad!

fredag 13 maj 2016

Week 19 and 20

The children have had the privilege of class parents coming to talk to them about their class trip.
The Mathematics test results were great with over a third of the children getting everything right and a majority getting very high points. The test on Sound was challenging but I have hard working students. We planned to study about toxic substances to our bodies or reproduction for Natural Sciences. The children continue to work hard now mostly independently while I concert effort to a small group requiring more scaffolding into certainty with Mathematics. The ones who have gone the extra mile will continue to advance. The children were a team during the Johannes OS and they made the total effort required for our class. Many of the  students are very talented in sports.  I am proud of my students.

I dag fredag har vi haft författarbesök av Kerstin Gavander, författare till boken Fröken Europa som vi läste högt under arbetet med Europa på geografilektionerna. Hon berättade otroligt intressant om skrivarprocessen. Många frågor fick svar!

Vi har även jobbat med stavning och språk genom att gå igenom stavningsregler och lära oss nya ord med hjälp av att köra en Kahoot (digital quiz) med svåra ord som adekvat, protes, grunna, och illegal. För några veckor sedan kom forskarrapporter om att elever har allt sämre ordförståelse, bland annat sjunker resultaten i ordförståelse när de gör högskoleprovet. En av orsakerna tros vara att de läser mindre analogt- och fler korta digitala texter. Detta är anledningen till att vi har ”Veckans svåra ord” som vårprojekt. Fråga gärna era barn om dessa ord!

Vidare har vi fortsatt med arbetsområdet om media & källkritik där vi har repeterat, diskuterat och förberett oss inför bedömningstillfället måndag vecka 21. Eleverna kan även förbereda sig hemma genom att se UR serien ”Är det sant?” http://urskola.se/Produkter/177414-Ar-det-sant-Kallkritik, avsnitt som vi även tittat på i skolan.
Se även tidigare utskickad LPP (planering) för att se vilka nyckelord som är viktiga inför bedömningstillfället.

Läsläxa i läsutmaningen, minst 3 gånger 15 minuter (fyll i  läsprotokoll)
SO: Tre elever/vecka har i läxa att välja en nyhet att ta med till skolan och presentera kort för klassen. Nästa veckas nyhetsbevakare är Sam, Anna & Olivia .

Kindest Regards

Agnes Hallmin and Jacqueline Zettergren

onsdag 4 maj 2016

Important Dates

 Wednesday 11th May, 2016

Natural Sciences test about sound.

13th May 2016

The class parents visit the class to discuss about the class trip.
                      The visit is very appreciated.

5th and 6th May,2016
The students are free from school.

Monday, 9th May, 2016
Normal classes as usual.

Tuesday 10th May 2016

Fri  idrottsdag - Johannes OS

Plats:            Kristinebergs IP.

Tid:               Tisdagen 10:e maj. Tävlingarna pågår mellan 9.30-13.00. Varje klass tar sig dit på egen hand. Det är viktigt att alla är där i tid så att vi kan hålla tidschemat. Vi beräknar att vara tillbaka i skolan ca.13.30.

Transport:   Varje klass tar sig via buss till Odenplan, där tar ni er vidare med tunnelbana till Kristineberg T-bana, därefter promenad ca 300m till idrottsplatsen. OBS! om en klass kommer för sent till Kristineberg förskjuts hela schemat så åk iväg i tid.
                      (Restiden från att ni går från skolan och tar buss/tunnelbana till att ni är framme på Kristinebergs IP är ca 30 min av vad jag har kunnat utläsa).
Kontakta mig eller övriga kollegor som har mer koll på området om ni behöver hjälp med att hitta rätt buss till Odenplan.

Klassen kommer att tillsammans med klassläraren genomföra följande moment.
                      60meter löpning
                      Kast med liten boll
                      800 meter löpning

Lunch:         Egen matsäck, glöm inte vattenflaska!

Kläder:         Bekväma kläder som man kan motionera i och även varmare kläder att ta på sig när man vilar. Var också förberedd på att det kan regna. Det finns omklädningsrum, men vi rekommenderar att man byter om hemma.

Övrigt:          Klassläraren informerar inför varje gren hur poängen fördelas och ansvarar för klassen hela dagen. Kom ihåg att värma upp lite innan respektive gren startar. Ett vandringspris till bästa klass delas ut i efterhand

 Wednesday 11th May, 2016

Natural Sciences test about sound.

13th May 2016

The class parents visit the class to discuss about the class trip.
                      The visit is very appreciated.
