tisdag 11 november 2014

Newsletter week 46

Newsletter Week 46

Dear Parents

After a lot of relaxation for the children it is time again to start schoolwork. I believe the relaxation was good for all the children. They have been fully focused in their schoolwork. They are a few isolated incidents that have ensued between them of course however this has been when they have left classes and up at ”Klubben”.

I just managed to nominate my class as best class. We will strive to feel that way and be best in everything that we try to do.

During Geometry our central focus was on
  •   measurement of length in the past and at present.     
  •   ability to show understanding of different units of length, 
  •   identifying geometrical object
  •   ability to draw rectangles, squares, triangles with a given length
  •  ability to calculate perimeters and areas
A test was administered to identify if the children achieved these goals. The feedback is great however for the knowledge to be in their bone marrows they need more practise both at school and at home.
We have also focused on Addition, Subtraction and Problem-solving.
Our aim has been to:
  •   understand the relationship between addition and subtraction  
  •   demonstrate understanding of the = (equal sign)       
  •  to be able to add and subtract numbers between 0-10,000  and word problems that require higher cognitive abilities to solve.
After week 47 we will start with Number Sense (Talluppfatning). A test will be administered on week 47 on Addition, Subtraction and Problem-solving in order to identify if the children need repetition or if they have mastered the skills required. We are also winding up on the study of plants. There will be a test on Germination, Transpiration, Photosynthesis, Pollination and Dispersal of seeds on week 48 on Wednesday.
MatheBorgen (Pg 60-64) is for homework due this Friday. For next Week the children will do pages 66 and 67 due on Friday week 46. Most children now manage to do the homework very well. If it feels like it is too much then you can decide with your children how much homework works for your children. That also includes choosing if your children are to have homework or not. Since the majority of the children are ok with what they have are familiar with currently, I will not suddenly change routines for them. However, parents can, with all due respect have the freedom to choose if their children are to have homework or not.
The class atmosphere right now is purely great. The children are proud of their abilities to settle down and be productive students. Every parent who has been constructive enough to contribute to this harmony may accept my appreciation. Every parent who comes up with constructive ways to maintain this harmony is appreciated too.
Kindest Regards
Jacqueline Zettergren