Newsletter Week 48
Opera and Chess
The children will go for Opera on Monday between 9:30 to 12:00. Please note that school will start at 8.20 a.m on Monday. The school will organize packed lunch for children on that day.
On Tuesday between (10-14) The children will meet Knutby skolan at Rinkebyskolan, (ungdomenshus Rinkebystråket 13) quite near the subway station, We request the parents to kindly prepare packed lunch for the children. Do not forget water for drinking.
Science Quiz
On Wednesday the children will have a science quiz. I am sure the results will be ok. We continue with studying Chemistry and identifying how different elements have their protons, electrons and neutrons are arranged. We will have a phase 2 experiment to make yet another observation. I will soon show them the periodic table so that they can create molecules and atoms of different elements and compounds.
Chess (Schack 4)
There is a possibility for children to get trained for chess once a week by Ingvar. If a child registers before Christmas then they can be involved for free until Christmas and they is after pay a fee.
I will still lie low with homework until the coming week. I have issued to children information about Matter, States of matter and on Atoms. The children can take the work home to read. I have gone through the information with them. I will have several repetitions, as Chemistry can be mysterious sometimes.
The Geometry test score was a great pleasure to me as a teacher. 100% pass for all the children and that most of the children had outstandingly high scores is pure pleasure. It is now a guarantee that I do not have to go over the topic again. I asked the children to show their quiz results to you for a signature before it is put in their portfolio files.
Some children have already started to do Multiplication and division. We will carry on to do that however those who have not completed the work on addition, subtraction and problem solving have to finish the work.
The Christmas Bazaar
I can see correspondence going on for the Christmas Bazaar. It is great that the class parents are taking an active roll in this. All that is done to make the children happy is always a pleasure.
Football Rules
The security of children is taken very seriously in Johannes skolan especially when they are playing football randomly during break time. The school has made certain rules meant to ensure that children are safe and happy while playing football. I enclose the football rules.
Have a great weekend.
Kindest Regards