fredag 9 oktober 2015

Week 41 and 42

The evacuation exercise to Emmanuelskyrkan functioned   efficiently. The children resumed back to classes as usual.
The children are now reading Goodnight Mr. Tom by
Michelle Magorian. They will be getting pre-questions after every reading sequence. The children are also to pay close attention to physical descriptions and environmental descriptions. This will be a way of integrating literature with the descriptive writing exercise that the children with be engaged into. A spelling test will be done on Friday the 16th October.
The biology test has been shelved to Wednesday week 42. Most of the children needed the postponement in order to be adequately prepared. The children will start with an NTA project "Kemiförsök". They will perform experiments with different elements and test their solubility in different liquids. They will hypothesize, test,( involving all senses excluding taste), observe and document their findings. A revision of the Analysis of Matter will be required before the experiments are performed.
The Mathematics test results were issued to the students.
The children who did not pass the test will have re-test on Wednesday week 43.
Questionnaire from School Inspection
A link for a questionnaire that had to be filled by parents from "skolinspektion" was sent some weeks ago. Please contact me by email if you did not recieve the link.

Swedish and Social Studies

I veckan har vi förberett inför bedömningstillfället i religion på måndag. Vi har sammanfattat och repeterat. I grupper arbetade eleverna med likhetsschemat som vi sedan sammanfattade tillsammans. Vi har också diskuterat vad det kan bero på att det finns så många likheter mellan de Abrahamitiska religionerna (geografiskt läge, samma stamfader, en gud).

Vidare har vi fortsatt att samla information till de faktatexter som ska skrivas om Europeiska länder.

Igår var det meningen att läsprotokollet skulle lämnas in, ifyllt. Jag saknar fortfarande en hel del och hoppas på att få in dessa på måndag. Nästa veckas läxa från mig, till torsdagen, är att förbereda en Minutläxa (One minute of fame).

Hälsningar från,

Agnes Halmin
Lärare år 5
Johannes skola


Kindest Regards

Jacqueline Zettergren