fredag 8 april 2016

Week 15

 The students are having a  visualized  repetition of the anatomy of the ear to ensure that they understand how every part of the ear .i.e the pinna, outer canal, eardrum the three bones hammer, anvil and stirrup triggers off vibrations that will in turn stimulate hearing. The children are also to understand the role the ear plays in localization of sound and balance. We have integrated this with phonetics to understand syllables. Simple experiments will be performed to examine vibrations, frequencies, tones, pitches and intensities of sounds. This may require that the children who play instruments take with them their instruments( only portable instruments) to school.There is an attempt to revive acting out Romeo and Juliet. When the play is ready it will be filmed.
Most of the children are working on the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentage.  Group activities will be encouraged with an aim of getting the children to be able to reason logically and to communicate orally how they approach different problem solving situations in Mathematics.
 Every child is currently required to do a minimum amount of work on every lesson to ensure that every lesson becomes productive. This has increased efficiency in calculating Mathematics. Memorizing tables and squares will make a whole difference for every child. It is optional for parents to ensure that their children memorise the tables from 1 to 12 and the square number, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25,36, 49 etc.
Internet Course for Parents and Students
There will be a course about use of the internet( esp Social Media and Children ) for both parents and students. The grade fives will have the course on the 20th April in  Vasa Real school at 9:00. The  parents will have the course at 18:00, also at Vasa Real.
Sista lovet för läsåret är avklarat och nu kör vi fram till sommaren! Vi har mycket roligt att se fram emot och mycket mer att lära.
Veckan som varit har vi avslutat våra deckare och skrivit historieprov. Jag är imponerad över det fokus och vilja att lyckas som samtliga i klassen har visat och ser fram emot att läsa resultaten.
Nästa vecka ska klassen få göra podcasts från medeltiden som ett avslut på arbetsområdet. Efter det sätter vi igång med två nya arbetsområden, Media och källkritik (samhällskunskap) och Stavning (svenska). Planeringar och mer information om dessa kommer inom kort.

Svenska: Läsläxa i läsutmaningen, minst 3 gånger 15 minuter (fyll i läsprotokoll)

Hälsningar från,

Agnes Halmin och Jacqueline Zettergren
Lärare år 5
Johannes skola